July 2018

It is that time of the year many people break up for holidays, schools are out for Summer too but that hasn't meant FFA clients have been taking a break from training. There have been an array of events in the calendar, with the heatwave making some of these "tough" going. We are 7 months in 2018 but this month our training blog has focussed on training trends that are already seeing a decline and in many instances, why this can only be a good thing. Trends will come and go, but getting the basics of good training with proper form and good nutrition with FFA will mean you are never left behind the times. If the summer holidays are taking their toll on your routine, there are some helpful tips on offer as well as a chance to read up with FFA's July's news including Lauren's Tough Mudder event and Roel's time at Man vs Lakes event experiences.

FFA client Lauren Diventura completed a gruelling 11 miles of tough obstacles in temperatures hitting 29 degrees at The Tough Mudder in Hemel Hempstead on 7th July. We chat to Lauren about how she got on at her first Obstacle Course Race Event.

I have been training with Roel for a number of years but the Tough Mudder was the first time I had done an event like this. As weird as it sounds I really enjoyed the race despite some nerves before doing it. It was tough but doable! The toughest element was definitely the Arctic Enema where you slide down a dark tunnel into freezing ice water and then have to swim under a 3-4ft width barrier to get out. Nothing describes how the sudden cold temperature contracts your lungs, takes your breath away and you feel like someone has punched you in the stomach!! Trying to focus your mind whilst having a mild form of brain freeze and swim out was the toughest part. Running in a team where people can support you and spur you on really helped - as well as handy for a leg up on the walls. Personal training with Roel helped so much as he prepared me for what to expect in every way. I am much stronger and fitter, surely the running drills and some obstacle focussed training with Roel made me feel confident enough to have a go at it. I feel somewhat euphoric as I conquered it well and I would highly recommend it to anyone who wants to challenge themselves. I'm glad it's over as it was hot weather but I will definitely take part in more Obstacle Course Race events, so....until my next one!

Rat Race is renowned for their challenging events such as Coast to Coast, City to Summit and Man v Coast. Having previously taken part in Rat Race Man v Mountain and Dirty Weekend events in the last few years Roel felt it was time to take on Man v Lakes which is the UK's most adventurous marathon + distance event with 4 relatively hard cut off timings.

To find out how Roel got on in the Lake district as he took on over 30 miles (50km) of running with a combination of taking on water obstacles, some swimming and kayaking through the stunning Lake District backdrop read his full account of the event here.

Dates for your dairies until end of September:

*Nuclear Blast:8/9/18
*Rough Runner London:8/9/18
*Tough Mudder London South:29/9/18 (Team of 6 from FFA so far)
*Bedford Sprint Triathlon Series:30/9/18
*Moor Park 10km & fun run:30/9/18

For more details on support or to join FFA clients at events please contact Roel to find out more...

For those of you taking some time away with your families this summer, I wish you some special time making memories.

As always, I am there for you and I look forward to continue to keep you on track and work with you all on your goals.

You can be(come) Fit For Anything!
