About 70% of your weight loss/gain will be directly linked to your eating habits. Your diet needs to be adjusted to your individual needs in order for you to achieve your goals! As we are all unique and different, we have different lifestyles and eating/drinking habits. Everyone's nutritional requirement differs as it depends mostly on the current state of health and fitness, metabolism, age, weight, body type, genetics and stress levels.

Dietary adjustments need to be tailored to you so you feel energised, uplifted, happy and satisfied for several hours. Equally it would banish cravings, it would contribute to attaining your ideal weight and improve your health and well being. 

Ever heard 'you are what you eat'? When do you eat what? How would you eat it, how often and why?  

Do you.....?

    •    Skip meals and have poor digestion   

    •    Have fluctuating energy levels, disturbed sleeping pattern 

    •    Feel sad, depressed, down, irritable, angry, nervous, hyper

    •    Feel hungry when full  

    •    Have sugar and/or caffeine cravings

Learn how to adjust and control your habits better and how to improve to regulate your metabolism in order to aid weight loss or weight gain and then attain your weight. Stay hydrated throughout the day, have the right macronutrients (carbohydrates, proteins and fats) ratio and amount in total calorie consumption tailored to you taking into account all your factors in order to reach your goals efficiently. Your organs will function more efficiently, your immune and digestive system will improve which will all contribute to a better healthier you. Optimise and/or adjust the time you sleep, rest and recover accurately. 

The knowledge and experience Roel gained about nutrition whilst being a qualified and registered Personal Trainer since 2006 and having spent 15 years in the food retail industry where he acquired several qualifications helps Fit For Anything to assist and to guide you. Let Fit For Anything help you to adjust your diet to optimise your total well being and performance.

To find out how Personal Training works please see the Way of Working (WoW) and the Initial Consultation pages for further details.