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Training for a Marathon Part 2: Fuelling Your Body

It is all very well having the perfect training plan, but what you eat before, during, and after you run can make or break your training. Eat too little and you’ll run out of energy to finish. Too much and you’ll find yourself running to the bathroom. Mid-run fuel—from sports drinks, gels, gummy bears, etc.—helps you sustain energy to finish the effort.

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Top Filling & Weight-Loss Boosting Snack & Meal Foods

Snacking is not necessarily a bad thing. Snacking helps to fill the void between main meals and fuel those who lead especially active lifestyles, particularly those in training. The important thing to remember is to choose wisely when snacking and building meals, including proteins, fibre and other nutritionally valuable foods to keep you full and to boost weight loss.



Tasty Pre and Post Workout Snacks

Snacking can be seen as a very negative thing, with many blaming it for the rise in obesity in our modern times. Snacking if you are careful of what you are eating however, can not only be healthy, it can help you perform better. When it comes to working out your body needs fuel and it also needs to recover. That is why pre workout and post workout snacks are important. That said, as important as they are they also need to be tasty and interesting as well as nutritious.



Nutritious Breakfasts for Fitness Kings and Queens

Yes we know, breakfast is the most important meal of the day, must not me missed etc. In actual fact all meals are equally important however, many find breakfast to be the one meal hardest to get excited about. Whether this is because 1) it is morning and 2) traditional breakfasts are boring, we have some great breakfast food ideas to get you up and raring to go



Understanding Commonly Used Additives

Once upon a time we ate our food straight from the ground or the farm, drank water or milk and enjoyed a relatively chemical-free existence. Nowadays many foods and ingredients are chemically altered in order to make them last longer or taste better. Some of these additives as they are known are harmful and at the very least should be consumed sparingly if at all. 
